Dragon Ball Fans React to Goku's Latest, Impressive Anime Fight

Super Dragon Ball Heroes has been an impressive experiment for the franchise as the popular card arcade game in Japan has been releasing a series of promotional anime episodes filled with non-canon fights and adventures. It's seen some surprising franchise returns and power variations over the course of its few episodes, but the latest one definitely took fans by surprise even more than expected.
Episode 13 of the promotional anime series debuted a new fight with Super Saiyan Blue Goku against the powerful Super Hearts of the Core Area, but it's a fight that stands out from every fight in the series thus far.

Animated by talents such as Naotoshi Shida, the fight between Goku and Hearts has been a huge hit with fans as it's much different than everything in the episodes to date. With flowing hair, flashy attacks, and smooth animations, this latest episode proved that this promotional anime series shouldn't be as overlooked as it has.


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