New Dragon Ball Super Promo Teases the Final Battle with Moro

Dragon Ball Super manga has gone passed the end of the anime series, it has been received incredibly well by fans. This has led to the series covering all new territory, and this especially includes the intriguing new villain Planet Eater Moro. After defeating both Goku and Vegeta early on, his magic increased his power with every new chapter. The battle with him on New Namek has reached a new stage too as Moro.
It's why fans are especially looking forward to the next chapter of the series, which seems to be setting up as the final battle with Moro. At the very least, the end of the battle seems to be near. Check out a new promo for the next chapter below.
This promo from Shueisha's V-Jump magazine  unfortunately doesn't give too much away about the final battle with Moro, but it does have an interesting illustration for the next volume of the series gearing up for its release in Japan. Along with putting Goku and Vegeta in full Galactic Patrol gear, something that hasn't happened in the manga just yet, it teases that the full Galactic Patrol will be coming in for this final battle.

Chapter 50 of the Dragon Ball Super manga is currently scheduled for a release on July 20th, and fans have been left on a pretty big cliff hanger. The battle with Moro is definitely entering its final stage as fans will finally learn what Moro's mysterious third wish entails. With Goku and Vegeta back at their full strength, the Grand Supreme Kai at their side, and Merus and the Galactic Patrol jumping into action, Moro just might be going down next chapter. Then again, Moro has shown he was way more cards to play before and could very much do the same.


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